Klubski večeri

Run From The Forest, Run

Ekipa Run To The Forest, Run! tokrat z žurom med štirimi stenami.

🌳 DJ Void (Elias) 🌳 Stipo 🌳 BLN 🌳 MAŠA

Vstopnina: 8€ predprodaja / 10€ na dan dogodka

Gozd gori.
Gori, a medved spi.
Spi in se ne zbudi,
dokler močno ne zadoni.

Glasna glasba ga je prebudila,
zdej mu groove u glavi špila.
Ni pogoja, da nazaj zaspi,
vstane in zbeži.

Drevesne krošnje pozdravljajo sonce, svoje veje stegujejo v nebo in se krepijo. Nadobudno čakajo, da pod seboj spet zaslišijo zvoke svobode in začutijo topot plesoče množice. Tudi mi smo že nestrpni. Srbijo nas pete, drgetajo nam boki. Neučakani smo, da spet zaplešemo skupaj, zato bomo prvo letošnjo zabavo gostili že spomladi! Ker drevesa še niso ogreta, nam bo to pot zavetje nad glavo nudil beton. Nič ne de, pravila ostajajo enaka; če smo na jasi, ali če si jaso pričaramo v klubu – mi poskrbimo za prostor in dobro muziko, vi poskrbite za vajb!

Plesišču bosta tokrat dirigirala prijatelja z Dunaja – DJ Void in Stipo; oba aktivna dj-a na avstrijski elektronski underground sceni. DJ Void je glasbeni eklektik, ki se navdušuje nad divjimi zvoki in jih z navdušenjem ter brez zadržka in z občutkom plasira plesočim množicam. Reden gost dunajskih klubov ima za seboj tudi več opaznih tujih nastopov; je član zasedb Private Lane Recordings in Vienna Worldwide (vie.w), projekta, kjer s Stipom sodelujeta skupaj. Poleg rolanja muzike je DJ Void tudi perspektiven producent, ki je zadnji dve leti nase opozoril z izdajami pri založbah Binary Sound, Magic Carpet in Vienna Worldwide, nestrpno pa že pričakujemo tudi izdajo gramofonske plošče na novonastali založbi Private Lane Recordings. Stipo je digger brez para, čigar glasbeni okus je fokusiran, a ne omejen, na old school bisere, ki jih išče tako v analogni kot digitalni obliki. Je del ekipe, ki pod imenom Rhythm Science organizira klubske večere v dunajskem klubu Saas. Za domačo podporo in dobro ogreto plesišče bosta poskrbela BLN in Maša, hišna dj-a ekipe Run to the Forest.

To pot ne potrebujete ne toplih oblačil ne repelentov; zagotavljamo, da bo v klubu vroče od prvega komada do zadnjega in da bomo poskrbeli za vse, ki bi vam poskušali piti kri. Na dogodku ni prostora za seksizem, rasizem, homofobijo in nobeno izmed oblik zatiranj in izključevanj! Prinesite le dobro voljo 🙂 in obujte najbolj udobne čevlje, ki jih premore vaša omara.

Zacahnite si datum v koledarček in pridite plesat, mi vas že komaj čakamo!

Treetops are greeting the sun, stretching their branches into the sky and getting stronger. They are impatient to hear the sounds of freedom and feel the warmth of the dancing crowd from underneath again. We too, are getting impatient. Our heels itch, our hips tremble. We are eager to dance together again, so the first party of the season is this year coming in spring! As the trees are not warmed up yet, the concrete will be providing us shelter this time. No matter the case, the rules remain the same; if we are in the meadows, or if we conjure up the meadows in the club – we provide good music and a warm place, you provide the vibe!

This time, the dance floor will be conducted by friends from Vienna – DJ Void and Stipo; both active DJs in the Austrian electronic underground scene. DJ Void is a musical eclectic who is passionate about wild sounds and who passionatelly and without restraint delivers them to the dancing crowds. As regular name on Vienna’s club line ups, he has also made several notable international appearances; he is a member of Private Lane Recordings and Vienna Worldwide (vie.w), a project in which he and Stipo collaborate together. In addition to spinning records, DJ Void is also a promising producer who has made a name for himself over the last two years with releases on Binary Sound, Magic Carpet and Vienna Worldwide, and we are eagerly awaiting the release of a record on the newly formed Private Lane Recordings label. Stipo is a digger without a pair, whose musical taste is focused on, but not limited to, old school gems, which he seeks out in both analogue and digital formats. He is a part of the team that organises club nights under the name Rhythm Science at the Saas club in Vienna. BLN and Maša, the in-house DJs of Run to the Forest, will provide the local support and make sure to set the right temperature of the dance floor.

This time you won’t need warm clothes or repellents; we guarantee that the club will be hot from the first to the last track and that we’ll take care of anyone who tries to drink your blood. Sexism, racism, homophobia and all forms of oppression and exclusion have no place at this event! Just bring good cheer 🙂 and wear the most comfortable shoes you own.

Put the date in your calendar and come dance, we can’t wait to see you!