Klubski večeri

Štrom: Retreat w/ Olgica [RS/AT] & Gus [BR/UK]

Še zadnjič to poletje Štrom združuje komplementarne okuse iz vseh vetrov na zdaj že enem od tradicionalnih srečanj obrobne klubske kulture pri nas.

🏖️ Olgica (AT/RS) 🦈 Gus (BR/UK) 🛟 Moska 🛶 Intergrill 🦐 VJ KNNZ & Kasko Karambol

Vstopnina: 13€ na vratih/on entry
Music policy: leftfield bass, baile funk, jungle, hardcore, internet rave, footwork, digicore, dub …

Kot posebnost tokratne edicije bo soparno plesišče Channel Zera dirigiral 100% mednarodni line-up, ki pa bo seveda ostal zvest duhu serijalke. Na last-minute oddih k nam torej prihajajo slednja imena: iz Graza se nam pridružuje Olgica, djka s srbskimi koreninami prepoznavna po svojih eklektični lower-tempo leftfield selekciji, katero ste morda že zasledili na Mentu 2022. Sledi Gus, vzhajajoče ime bristolske scene, kjer slavi svoje brazilsko poreklo s hektičnimi seti v katerih križa glasbo baile funk scene z internetnimi rave vplivi. Nato pa še dva domačina, ki pa se že dolgo udejstvujeta v tujini: to sta Intergrill, producent z igrivim UKG pridihom in splošni glasbeni čarodej ki živi svoje najboljše življenje v Berlinu in pa dobra znanka Moska iz Graza, članica Service Vienna, Whammy in Big Nose Ent. ekip, ki se je na naših večerih že predstavila s svojo prodorno basovsko in footwork obarvno energijo. Za live vizualije skrbita naša in-house vj mojstra KNNZ in Kasko Karambol.


Cover by Knnz & Dorijan Šiško
Powered by Nimaš Izbire: instagram.com/nimas_izbire
INFO/Contact: nimas.izbire@gmail.com
For the last time this summer, Štrom brings together complementary tastes from all over the world for one of the traditional gatherings of the local fringe club culture. As this edition’s special treat, the steamy dancefloor of Channel Zera will be orchestrated by a 100% international line-up, which will of course remain true to the spirit of the series. So, for a last-minute summer break, the following names are coming over: from Graz, we are joined by Olgica, a dj with Serbian roots, known for her eclectic down-tempo leftfield selections, which you may have already caught at Ment 2022, followed by Gus, a rising name in the Bristol scene, where he celebrates his Brazilian origins with hectic sets that combine the music of the baile funk scene with internet rave influences. Then there are two locals who have long been active abroad: Intergrill, a producer with a playful UKG touch and a general musical wizard living his best life in Berlin, and Moska, an old friend from Graz, member of the Service Vienna, Whammy and Big Nose Ent. crews, who has already presented her penetrating bass and footwork-tinged energy on our evenings. The live visuals are provided by our in-house vj masters KNNZ and Kasko Karambol.