Švedski post/metal atmosferiki Cult of Luna, ki so Ljubljano prvič obiskali leta 2007, so od takrat postopno stopali po poteh enega markantnejših svetovnih bendov tega žanra in skupin, kot sta Pelican in Isis. Od začetkov leta 1998 pa do danes so izdali 6 albumov in kljub nekajletni pavzi pred kratkim izdali odličen album „Vertikaal“, ki je izšel pri založbi Indie. Znani po temačnih in raznolikih soničnih pokrajinah, ki posegajo tudi po analogni elektroniki, bodo to soboto, 27. aprila, sicer po spletu nesrečnih okoliščin, namesto v Zagrebu na festivalu Moonquake v sklopu „last minute“ koncerta nastopili v klubu Channel Zero v Ljubljani. Pridružili se jim bosta še zasedbi The Ocean in Lo! The Ocean (poznani tudi kot The Ocean Collective) je eksperimentalni metal zasedba iz Berlina, ki deluje od leta 2000, za seboj pa imajo 6 studijskih albumov. Nekateri se jih morda spomnite iz gostovanja na Metalcampu 2011, sicer pa bodo Ljubljano obiskali prvič, in to ravno v času odličnega zadnjega albuma Pelegial (Metalblade).
Lo!, ki prihajajo iz Avstralije in delujejo od leta 2007, bodo verjetno ogreli marsikaterega ljubitelja skupin kot so Queens of the Stone Age, Mastodon in Converge. Čeprav so dokaj redni gostje evropskih odrov, pa bodo Ljubljano obiskali prvič.
Izjava in opravičilo Cult of Luna glede odpovedi zagrebškega nastopa: „We regret to announce that we are moving the show in Zagreb, Croatia this Saturday to Channel Zero in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This was not an easy decision, and we feel terrible to have to do this. We would like to stress that it is in no way the fault of the Zagreb promoter, who has worked hard to promote a show for Cult of Luna. Unfortunately, we had some complications with our entry documents and having discussed this at length with various people, the conclusion is that we are going to have problems getting our equipment through the Croatian border and therefore we would be risking a show happening at all. Whilst the solution of moving to Ljubljana is not ideal for many people, we hope there is an understanding that we have not taken the decision lightly, and that this is the only way to ensure that a Cult of Luna show will happen this Saturday. We can only say sorry to anyone who was planning on attending the Zagreb show.
If you have an advance ticket for Zagreb, please obtain a refund from your point of purchase. We will be running new tickets on the door of the Ljubljana show priced at 12 Euro, and we will have a discounted ticket available at 8 Euro for anyone who brings a ticket/ proof of purchase from the Zagreb show. We hope this in some small way makes up for us having to move the show, and it would be great to see people attending the new show.
Once again, our apologies go out to everyone involved, and we hope to see some of you in Ljubljana on Saturday.“
Časovnica: vrata & blagajna: 21.00 Lo!: 21.15 The Ocean: 22.00 Cult of Luna: 23.30
Vstopnina: 12 eur / 8 eur (s priložitvijo vstopnice za zagrebški koncert)
CULT OF LUNA (Šve), THE OCEAN (Nem), LO! (Au) – sobota, 27.4. ob 21h