
Asha Past: The Weight Of Memory

Po predolgem premoru Galerija Ch0 predstavlja novo razstavo. The Weight of Memory (Teža spomina) Ashe Past je vizualna interpretacija ene izmed mnogih možnih faz Spomina pred Anihilacijo.

The Weight of Memory (Teža spomina)

Nekateri se oblikujejo zelo počasi, podobno kot skale, ki so podvržene stalnim tokom vode, desetletja minevajo, voda počasni preobraževalec vseh oblik. Oster spomin v sedanjosti se bo tekom dvanajst let spremenil v mehkega.

Nekateri se deformirajo zaradi močnih gravitacijskih sil, ki se jim ne moremo izogniti, čeprav se trudimo. Po takih spremembah jih niti ne prepoznamo kot svoje, izgledajo tuje, a to v resnici niso.

Nekateri imajo nekakšno prosojno kakovost – morda boste morali stisniti oči, da jih boste lahko videli, ali pa odkriti ugodno perspektivo, sicer bodo ostali neopaženi, morda za vse večne čase.

Nekateri so črnoluknjasti, iz njih ne prihaja nič svetlobe, zatorej tudi nobena informacija. Vendarle je njihova teža ogromna, podobno kot Ton 618, in njihov učinek se gotovo čuti na več načinov.

Nekateri so kot perje. Pobožajo nas in čez štirinajst dni izginejo. Nikoli se jih ne bomo spomnili, saj prijazno odhajajo v Pozabo, blaženo destinacijo vsega, kar bije in raste, gnije ter propada.

Na samem Koncu Časa se bodo vsi naši najčrnejši in najtežji balvani preLevili v prah. In prah se bo preLevil v Nič iz katerega je prišel. In ne bo ne Teme in ne Svetlobe, saj podlaga za tovrstna razlikovanja ne bo obstajala več.

Spomin se lahko premika, se izgubi, se spremeni, zdrsne, omahne, mirno sedi, se približuje, se založi, potuje tako hitro kot svetloba, maha, valovi, se zvija, se seli, se upogiba, se zlomi, pohitri, upočasnjuje, kaplja, izhlapeva, se strdi, poledeni, se stopi, gravitira, deluje, napreduje, nazaduje, spomin peče, pretepa, divja, žanje in seje, niha, hiti, izginja, boža, poljubi, zamrzne, zmoti, srbi, žgečka, se vrti, se razvija, umre, se ponovno rodi. Spomin zdrsi, se pojavi, se vzpne, se spušča. Nas premaga. Nas preobrazi.

The Weight of Memory (Teža spomina) je vizualna interpretacija ene izmed mnogih možnih faz Spomina pred Anihilacijo.

Avtor razstave The Weight Of Memory je Asha Past.

Vstop prost.


The Weight of Memory

Some get shaped very slowly, much like rocks subject to constant streams of water, decades passing, water the slow manipulator of all form. A pointy memory in the present is going to shift into a soft one, in twelve years time.

Some get warped by strong gravitational pulls, which try as we may cannot be evaded. We don’t even recognize them as ours after such alterations, they feel alien, but they really aren’t.

Some indeed have a transparent quality to them, you might have to squeeze your eyes to be able to see them, or you must unearth a beneficial perspective, otherwise they stay undetected, maybe forever.

Some are darkholeish, no light therefore no information comes out of them. Yet their weight is massive, much like Ton 618, and their effect is surely felt in many ways.

Some are featherlike. They caress us and in a fortnight they vanish. We will never remember them, as they kindly depart for Oblivion, the blissful destination of all that beats and grows and rots and decays.

In the very End of Time all of our blackest heaviest boulders will shift into dust. And the dust will shift into the Nothing it came from. And there will be no Darkness and no Light, as there will be no basis for such distinctions.

Memories can shift, get lost, change, lurch, stagger, sit still, approach, be displaced, travel as fast as light, wiggle, wave, squirm, migrate, bend, break, speed, slow down, trickle, evaporate, solidify, ice, melt, gravitate, act, progress, regress, memories burn, beat up, rave, reap and sow, vacillate, hurry, disappear, caress, kiss, freeze, disturb, prickle, tickle, revolve, evolve, die, be reborn. Memories slip, occur, ascend, descend. defeat us. Transform us.

The Weight of Memory is a visual interpretation of one of the many possible phases of Memory matter before Annihilation.

Asha Past is the author of the exhibition The Weight Of Memory.

Free entrance.